
Smart Strategies To Know-[Best] Hairfall Home Remedy & Hairfall Treatment Oil-2020!!

Hair falls Home Remedy-can solve hair problems.

Do you know someone with this hair fall disease?

How To Control Hairfall? 

Today at- Healthy myself I will shareyou these -Hair fall Home Remedy & Hair fall Treatment Oil.

If so, let discuss this as bellow-

The physical appearance of both males and females is under social pressure.

1.Hair fall:

Hair fall-(Hair fall Home Remedy)
Hair fall

It could happen to anyone, whether you are a man or a woman.

Surprised!! Woman also?

Yes, Hair fall in women also!

Fortunately, hair fall can be a symptom of a short-term event such as-

  • stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Disease
  • Medication
  • which can all alter hair growth.
  • and shedding phases.

Hair fall can be a side effect of-

  • certain drugs, such as those-
  • used for cancer
  • arthritis
  • depression
  • heart problems
  •  gout,
  •  high blood pressure.
  • Radiation therapy to the head-
  • The hair may not grow back as previously.

2. Hair brings an important contribution:

Hair fall Home Remedy
Hair fall Home Remedy

Hair Brings an important role in the outlook of the human body.

Hairfall affects millions of people.

Most of them are frustrated because they have spent a lot of money, and want to know how to control hair fall?

They want to Stop Hair fall. Some clinics that promise………..

3.Hairfall Home Remedy-

Hair fall-Home Remedy
Hair fall-Home Remedy

Here are the Top Awesome effective home remedies for Control Hairfall which you can try at home easily in order to assist the treatment of alopecia as well as strengthen your scalp and prevent hair loss:

3.1. Onion Juice-

AS you know that -Onion is an extremely popular vegetable for every household.

You might cook daily meals with it every day, but have little idea of its benefits for health.

Sulfur in onion is very high and can stimulate the growth of new hair.

Therefore, onion juice must be included in the list of home remedies for the treatment of alopecia.

  • Take an onion and make the juice by crushing.
  • The juice should be applied over the scalp.
  • After 15 minutes, use warm water and shampoo to wash the hair.

It is recommended that you do not need to use a towel to make the hair dry after that. Leave it naturally dry.

3.2. Green Tea

Yes, we all love green tea because drinking it makes us feel like we are doing something right with our lives.

But the catechins, saponins, and the antioxidant “EGCG” (or epigallocatechin gallate) found in green tea stimulate the hair follicles on your scalp and promote new hair growth.

What Do You need?

  • 3 green tea bags
  • ½ liter hot water

What To Do?

  1. Put the green tea bags in hot water and let them steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bags and let the water cool down for a bit.
  3. After shampooing and rinsing your hair then, pour the green tea all over it.
  4. Massage your scalp and leave the green tea for 10 minutes only.
  5. Wash off your hair with cool water.
  6. Follow this routine thrice a week.

3.3. Mustard Oil-

Everyone keeps talking about coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil and when it comes to alopecia treatment and hair growth issues.

But one oil that is overlooked that is mustard oil.

Mustard oil contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids and nourishes your hair, prevent hair loss also.

It encourages new hair growth.

What Do You need?

  • Mustard oil

What To Do?

  1. Take some mustard oil and massage all over your scalp and hair and leave it on overnight for good results.
  2. Wash off the next day morning with a mild shampoo.

Try out the ones you liked best and comment below to let us know which ones worked best for you!

3.4. Honey-

Raw and organic honey is an ingredient for Hair fall treatment.

Honey reduces infections and related hair loss.

If used consistently over a longer period, honey can keep hair loss due to alopecia at bay for all your life.

How to use Honey :

Use honey by itself and mix it with equal quantities of either curd or lemon juice, or onion juice and apply on the scalp.

Wash it off after about 15 minutes.

3.5. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is one of those lesser-known home remedies that very few people know about.

It contains folate, niacin and improves the blood circulation in your scalp.

Coconut Milk improves hair growth, thus treating alopecia.

It also contains vitamin E that fights damage and improves the health of your hair.

What Do You need?

  • ½ cup of coconut milk

What To Do?

  1. Heat the coconut milk in the microwave for a few seconds.
  2. Massage the coconut milk onto your scalp for 15 minutes daily.
  3. Apply the remaining coconut milk all over your hair and scalp.
  4. Leave it on for 45 minutes.
  5. Wash and shampoo your hair.
  6. Follow this routine once a week.

3.6. Exercises

Do Exercise For Control Hair Fall
Do Exercise For Control Hair Fall

The key to beautiful skin and hair is doing exercises regularly.

There is no immediate result but as time passes by, you will not only become more attractive but also be strong and healthy from the inside.

Exercises can prevent the attack of bacteria and viruses.

3.7. Rosemary Leaves

We’ve all heard about the benefits of rosemary oil.

But rosemary leaves can also be used to treat alopecia quite effectively.

Rosemary leaves are chock-full of natural compounds like phenolic diterpenes, flavonoids, carbonic acid, and rosmarinic acid that stimulate the blood circulation in your scalp and promote new and faster hair growth.

What Do You need?

  • 4 tablespoons dried rosemary leaves
  • 4 cups of water

What To Do?

  1. Bring the 4 cups of water to a boil and then remove it from the stove.
  2. Add the rosemary leaves to the boiling hot water and let it steep overnight.
  3. After rinsing out the shampoo from your hair, pour the rosemary water all over your head.
  4. Leave it in for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash it off with cold water.
  6. Follow this routine thrice a week.

3.8. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has existed for thousands of years, and it brings a lot of benefits to human health.

What you might not know about acupuncture is its impacts on the treatment of alopecia.

In fact, it is one of the most practical home remedies for alopecia, but you never do it on your own unless you are an expert.

Acupuncture helps to block the T1 cells which are responsible for your hair loss. Furthermore, acupuncture boosts your blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and stimulate your hair follicles.

It is also an excellent way to address your depression and anxiety.

do not hesitate to get an expert to help you with this problem immediately!

3.9. Ginseng-

Without a doubt, ginseng is one of the most valuable foods which have various medical benefits.

It provides such a great number of pharmacological compounds.

Ginseng allows you to prevent inflammation and enhance your immune function.

As a result, your body will find a way to maintain its immune homeostasis.

According to a study at Korea University College of Medicine in 2012, ginseng is perfect for the treatment of alopecia areata.

Those who experience corticosteroid injections also take ginseng as an additional treatment.

3.10. Use anti-inflammatory foods-

Even when you have already suffered from alopecia, anti-inflammatory foods will still be useful for the treatment.

In general, they play an essential role in the prevention of alopecia as they help to prevent inflammation and speed up the recovery.

You will get many antioxidants, essential fatty acids and minerals to have a dominant immune system.

Alopecia results from the deficiency of these nutrients, so you had better supply yourself enough.

Anti-inflammatory foods are various. You can choose green leafy vegetables, nuts, spices, coconut oil, or salmon.

The variety enables you to enjoy the nutrients without getting bored.

Remember to have a balanced diet which consists of numerous nutrients. While the lack of some nutrients is harmful, the overconsumption of something is not good either.

3.11. Get more zinc-

In addition to anti-inflammatory foods, zinc is another natural cure elements for alopecia.

And it is an indispensable part of your prevention of alopecia.

Zinc has great impacts on our immune system. It helps to repair the gut, which guarantees that our immune responses work well.

Moreover, zinc is significant for your hair follicles’ activities.

According to the International Journal of Dermatology, those suffering from alopecia usually have a lower level of zinc.

We’ve all heard about the benefits of rosemary oil.

But rosemary leaves can also be used to treat alopecia quite effectively.

Rosemary leaves are chock-full of natural compounds like phenolic diterpenes, flavonoids, carbonic acid, and rosmarinic acid that stimulate the blood circulation in your scalp and promote new and faster hair growth.

What Do You need?

  • 4 tablespoons dried rosemary leaves
  • 4 cups of water

What To Do?

  1. Bring the 4 cups of water to a boil and then remove it from the stove.
  2. Add the rosemary leaves to the boiling hot water and let it steep overnight.
  3. After rinsing out the shampoo from your hair, pour the rosemary water all over your head.
  4. Leave it in for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash it off with cold water.
  6. Follow this routine thrice a week.

3.12. Stay away from the stress

Stay Away From The Stress For _Hair fall-Control
Stay Away From The Stress For –Hair fall– Control

Stress has a significant effect on the prevention and treatment of alopecia.

If you wish to get rid of hair loss or thinning hair, you need to learn how to control stress.

Only when you are not stressed can your hair grow back efficiently and quickly.

However, does it sound nearly impossible to avoid stress and depression in this hectic society?

In fact, there are numerous approaches to help you reduce stress quickly.

You can do some exercises, such as meditation and yoga, or spend more time with your friends outdoors.

It is also necessary to bear in mind that the treatment of hair loss itself is emotionally challenging.

Soon you start questioning and losing confidence in your look.

Thus, you need friends and family who always support you.

Another solution is to get to know people who experience the same condition as you.

They can understand your feelings and together you will overcome the problem.

3.13. Aloe Vera

Without a doubt, Aloe Vera is very beneficial in skin and hair care. And in the treatment of alopecia, it also enhances the growth of new hair and stops the hair loss at the same time.

It is one of the most essential home remedies for alopecia you need to know.

Aloe Vera

  • You should use the gel extracted from Aloe Vera to get the best results.
  • Rub it over your scalp and hair.
  • Then, do some massage on those areas.
  • After that, cool water should be used to wash the hair.

3.14. Lemon

When life gives you lemons, make sure you use it to treat alopecia!

Lemon is a citrus fruit that is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and many essential minerals that are responsible for good hair growth.

Additionally, lemon juice helps restore your scalp’s natural pH level and cleans away the dead cells that could be clogging your hair follicles to aid hair growth.

What Do You need?

  • ½ lemon
  • 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel

What To Do?

  1. Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.
  2. Mix the lemon juice and aloe vera gel together for hair fall treatment.
  3. Apply the mixture all over your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mixture with cold water and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  5. Follow this routine thrice a week.

After taking bath you should cover your hair and scalp with a towel and dry your hair then comb.

4. Hairfall Control Oil:

If hair fall is bothering you and you wish to fight hair loss and encourage hair growth, oiling your hair is vital in every aspect.

Below is the list of best anti-hair fall oils in India and that promote hair regrowth with just regular message.

4.1. Indulekha Bringha Hair Oil:

Specifically targeted to fight against hair loss and encourage hair regrowth.

Ayurvedic Indulekha Bringha Hair Oil also fights against scalp conditions such as dandruff and dryness.

Marked as 100% natural and, the ingredients of Indulekha Bringha hair oil include-

  • Swetha Kutaja leaves
  •  amla
  • neem
  • youth
  • Karpura
  • Daksha
  • Bringharaj oil
  • pure coconut milk
  • The oil is derived from cold-pressed technology and comes in an attractive and easy to use selfie bottle applicator.


A 100 mL bottle will cost Rs. 432 at MRP. You may get discounted prices if you buy online.


The oil is purely a herbal mixture of powerful herbs and also targets serious hair problems such as split ends, dryness, and lack of hair volume.

You can easily apply it with the selfie bottle design.

About 50% of users report positive results and get after using Indulekha Bringha Hair Oil.


You may not like the strong smell of the oil. Price is also a bit on the higher side.

4.2. Trichup Hair Fall Control Oil:

Packed with the goodness of-

  • coconut oil
  • sesame oil
  • Bringharaj oil
  • extracts of karanji
  • and amlaki
  • neem
  • gunja
  • The Ayurvedic Trichup Hair Fall control oil fights against graying hair, dandruff, dryness, and hair fall control.

It stimulates hair follicles to encourage hair- regrowth effectively.

The oil prevents damage from pollutants such as smoke, dust, and heat.

Price: You can get a 200 mL of Trichup Hair Fall Control oil Bottle at an MRP of Rs. 240 only.


The Ayurvedic mix of oil contains powerful herbal ingredients and is free from chemicals and parabens.

The brand claims to control hair fall, lend shine and strength & promote hair growth.


It is quite a heavy and sticky oil with a hard smell that may be a deterrent for some people.

4.3. Satthwa Hair Oil:

Chemical-free and Satthwa hair oil address your hair woes with not just one, but by bringing to you the power of 9 different oils in one.

Whether it is hair loss, premature graying, dry and brittle hair, split-ends or dryness – Satthwa hair oil fights its oil.

The composition is-

  • a powerful blend of castor oil
  • olive oil
  • emu oil
  • almond oil
  • grapeseed oil
  • coconut oil
  • jojoba oil
  • and amla oil

All of which have excellent properties and to prevent hair fall and stimulate hair regrowth.

Vitamin E is also added and that gives your hair additional shine & growth.

A massage with this oil nourishes your scalp and stimulates hair follicles & treat microbial infections if any.


A 100 ml bottle of Sattwa hair oil will cost you Rs. 599.


The benefits of all oils are packed into one, so it can help you tackle various hair problems in one go. It is chemical and paraben-free oil.


You may find the price a deterrent, look for deals to grab it at a cheaper rate. The availability is only online.

4.4. Himalaya Anti-hair fall oil:

Now we will check the composition of Himalaya Herbals Anti-hair fall oil and is-

  • bhringaraj
  • neem
  • and bael
  • and amlakai
  • along with fenugreek

This pleasant smelling, nonsticky hair oil that claims to curb hair fall and boost hair growth.

The oil when massages regularly in your scalp can strengthen hair follicles, reduce breakage and improve tensile strength.


MRP of 200 mL bottle of Himalaya Herbal Anti-hair Fall oil is Rs. 166 only.

Get it online to save some money.


Chemically free, the vote of trust may go to the brand owing to its being a household name.

It claims to reduce breakage and improve hair strength within a short time.

You can take this Ayurvedic supplement for regrowth your hair-

4.5. Parachute Advanced Scalp Therapy Hair Oil:

We all grew with the blue bottle of Parachute coconut oils at our homes, didn’t we?

Well, considering the rampant hair-fall control issue in India, Parachute manufactured this oil-

Ingredients are-

  • coconut oil
  • vitamin E and B
  • brahmi
  • amla
  • minerals
  • hibiscus

This oil promotes hair regrowth, vitality, and improved texture.

Regular use of Parachute Advanced Scalp Therapie Hair Oil returns hair to its normal growth cycle and density of hair.


Parachute Advanced Scalp Therapie hair oil is priced at Rs. 150 for a 100 mL bottle.


Hair fall Home Remedy
Hair fall Home Remedy-

The brand has been around for a long time, so you may not hesitate to use it. It is travel-friendly, nonsticky and lightweight that can be worn on a daily basis.


It does contain minerals and if you do not like the smell of coconuts, you may despise this one.


Conclusion /

Alopecia is not a fatal disease, but it affects us on a massive scale, especially when it comes to our appearance.

With our home remedies for alopecia, we hope that you can manage to get rid of it quickly.

More significantly, you can learn the prevention so that you never have to encounter this embarrassing condition.

You can read here also for –Hair fall Home Remedy-

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