Healthy Myself

14 [Fantastic] Reason- Why Must Take – Orange Fruit, The Super -Orange juice To-Stay Fit & Immune System- Better!!

Super-Orange Fruit makes a Difference as –Orange Juice for your Better Immune System and good health.

And a great addition to salads and fruit chats.

Luckily, it’s the season when markets are going to be flooded with all kinds of Oranges fruit.

Healthy-myself shares you this knowledge about-Orange Fruit.

Stay with us for 9 minutes and stay fit and get benefits a lot…

1.Orange Fruit:

A versatile fruit, it is!

Orange is the colour of the sun.

It is vital and a good colour generally, indicating thoughtfulness and consideration of others.

–Edgar Cayce

You can include it to incorporate oranges into your daily eating plan.

It contains zero fat and low in calories.

It is a rich source of anti-oxidants.

Low in Calories:

All of these make it really an amazing option if you are looking towards shedding that extra kilo or two.

Orange is one fruit but with a lot of health benefits, besides apple and guava.

Oranges, raw,
all commercial varieties
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 197 KJ (47 K Cal)
Sugars 2.4 gm
Dietary fiber 2.4 gm
Carbohydrate 11.75 gm
Fat 0.12 gm
Protein 0.94 gm
Vitamins Quantity % DV
Vit A 1%
Thiamine (Vit B1) 8%
Vitamin B2. 3%
Vit B3 2%
Vit B5 5%
Vit B6 5%
Vit C 64%
Vit E 1%
Minerals Quantity % DV
Calcium 4%
Iron 1%
Magnesium 3%
Potassium 0.8%
Phosphorous 0.4%

2.Information About Orange Fruit

The delicious juicy ,super-orange fruit is a single genus and known as Citrus fruit.


There are four types of orange fruits are available.

The Persian orange is found in southern Europe and is available in a number of colors and sizes.

Navel oranges are a mutation that breeds sterile fruit with no seeds.

The Valencia orange is used for juicing and is very sweet in taste.

The blood orange is dark burgundy and used heavily in marmalade.


However, orange fruit is one of the most acidic of all seed-bearing plants.

 The pH level is between 2.5 and 3, depending on the variety.

This makes the orange as strong in acid like vinegar.


Oranges are one of the largest commercially-grown fruits in the world

The top countries of World that produce the fruit are Mexico, the United States, and Brazil.

As of 2009 figures, nearly 105 million tons of the berry is produced each year.


Although it is still now unknown exactly when production of the fruit began.

Evidence shows that southeast Asia began producing oranges by at least 4000 B.C.

 It then spread to Africa and eventually made its way to the Roman Empire by 200 B.C.

 It was brought worldwide by Spanish explorers in the 1500s.

3. 5 lines on Orange Fruit:

5 lines on-Orange Fruit

1. Orange is a very sweet & juicy fruit.

2. It is eaten in the winter season.

3. Orange is a very juicy & tasty fruit.

4. Orange Fruit Is rich in vitamin C.

5. It is my favorite fruit & I Love It.

4.Benefits Of Orange Fruit-

4.1.Promotes Skin Health/skin glowing:

Oranges are filled with Vitamin C nutrients which helps in clearing the skin of any unwanted marks and makes your skin healthy & glowing.

It protects your skin from any kind of harmful damage that may be caused because of your constant contact with pollution and Sunheat.

Apart from this, regular consumption of oranges in little quantity may also lead to a delay in the onset of fine lines and wrinkles also.

All in all, a regular intake of oranges ensures that your overall improvement of skin health is always pointing towards the healthier side.

Our skin will glow as it removes harmful chemicals from our body regularly.

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4.2.Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Oranges are known for their anti-inflammatory properties which help you to cure any kind of inflammation or swelling.

Another big point is that the kind of fiber orange has – a soluble fiber that stimulates the production of the anti-inflammatory protein interleukin-4.

Which helps our body switch from being pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory.

It will help you faster recovery from infection if you do fall ill.

So you see it’s never too late to begin chomping one, start today!

4.3. They are rich in potassium and boost for a healthy heart:

Orange is full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral.

Which is responsible for heart functioning and does better.

When potassium levels get too low then you may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia.

Old people can also take it in small quantities on a regular basis.

4.4.Used as a Powerful Anti-Oxidant:

Orange Fruit-Powerful-Antioxidant

Oranges are really powerful in terms of anti-oxidants and it is this property of the fruit which can dominate all other properties.

Ascorbic acid and beta-carotene present in oranges play a major l role in relieving the body.

If any unwanted radicals that may lead to a higher risk of cancer.

It can fight against the germ both internally and externally.

This Vitamin C rich fruit has good antioxidants which are essential for human being.

These antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals that carry out unwanted oxidation.

These oxidation reactions are known to cause diseases and inflammatory experiences in the body.

4.5.Oranges lower the cholesterol level:

Since they’re full of soluble fiber, oranges are helpful in lowering cholesterol as well.

Hesperidin and Pectin present in oranges, lower the bad cholesterol.

It helps the body to slow down the absorption of extra fats.

4.6.Help to Regulate Blood Pressure:

Because the fruit is loaded with anti-oxidants.

A person who regularly consumes oranges has a decreased chance of being blood pressure.

Patient or if you are already one, regular consumption may just help you to under control your blood pressure levels.

Please consult your doctor and seek his advice!

4.7. They aid in good eye health and protect vision:

Oranges are rich in carotenoid compounds.

Which are converted to vitamin A and help to prevent macular degeneration?

4.8.Boosts the Immune System:

The high content of Vitamin C intakeensures that your immune system doesn’t have to see a bad day ever in your life.

Winters come with a slew of seasonal cold and cough bouts.

A healthy dose of Vitamin C can keep the immunity levels boost up and find cold and cough out!

Kids and their grandparents must definitely include one or two orange in their diet every day.

4.9.Improves sleep, keep memory power high:

You must be wondering, one can take better sleep if he takes enough oranges.

Again the anti-oxidants and flavonoids present in
oranges play a major role here as they release a certain
neurotransmitter which promotes sleep, memory and learning abilities.

Those who are students can also take one orange daily.

4.10. Orange provides smart carbs and does not cause a blood sugar:

Oranges like all fruits have simple sugars in them, but the orange has the only one a glycemic index of 40.

Anything under 55 is considered low.

This means that as long as you don’t eat too many oranges at one time, they won’t spike your blood sugar or harmful to your health.

And cause problems with insulin or weight gain.

Hence, Oranges have very low in calories and can be taken daily.

It can balance the blood sugar levels in the very right path.

However, Oranges have low calories and should be consumed daily.

It can balance the blood sugar levels in your blood very effectively and consistently.

4.11. Anti- Aging Benefits:

4.12. Improvement of Digestion system:

The fiber that is present in high concentration in oranges helps you in digesting food easily.

It helps in releasing the digestive enzyme or juices which help to digest the food effectively.

4.13. Fights against the Cancer:

A compound called D-limonene, usually found in the Orange fruit.

And other citrus fruits fight against the cancers like-

Vitamin C protects cells from damage by free radicals.

We eat what our body needs and do the exercises that will suit our fitness goals.

4.14. Reduced risk of Arthritis:

Research says -A glass of orange juice a day can keep you free from the inflammation that usually arises from Arthritis.

Its anti-inflammatory property reduces the risks of Rheumatoid Arthritis also.

You can check here also-

5.Used for Weight Loss-

5.1. Used for Weight Loss:

Hence, Oranges are very low in calories and rich in fibers which make you feel full for longer.

We eat what our body needs and do the exercises that will suit our fitness goals faster.

6.Orange Fruit For Kids:

6.1. Eliminates Bad Breath:

Orange peel tea is very useful and helps to maintain very good oral hygiene.

Taking one cup of orange tea every day reduces bad breath.

It improves your oral hygiene also side by side.

6.2. Protect your skin from damage:

 Oranges are full of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells from damage also.

Beta-carotene protects the skin from free radicals and helps prevent the signs of aging, interesting!

Oranges are full of dietary fiber.

Which stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation.

It smoothest your stool and help to come out from the rectum very smoothly.

6.3. Oranges alkalize the body:

Although oranges are acidic before you digest them.

They contain many alkaline minerals and help to balance out the body after they are digested.

In this fact, they are similar to lemons, which are one of the most alkaline citrus fruits.

7.Orange Fruit For Teenagers:

7.1. Stimulates Hair Growth and shinning hair:

Vitamin C along with bioflavonoids in oranges aids in circulation to the scalp.

Which, in turn, promotes hair growth.

They also contain folic acid, a special type of vitamin B which is vital to hair growth.

Inositol is another form of vitamin B.

It prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Hence, regular consumption of oranges is a great way of boosting the intake of these nutrients.

7.2. Treatment Of hair Dandruff:

Alternatively, you can prepare a hair rinse by boiling the orange peels in water, have a try.

Filter the liquid the next day and use it as a hair rinse to remove dandruff and get shiny hair.

7.3. Removes Blackheads/Pimples:

The orange peel mask is quite active in the skin and face mask also.

You can prepare this mask at home by mixing one part yogurt with orange peel powder to make a thick paste.

Apply this paste on your face and use gentle circular motions and wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

This is not only a natural and non-painful way of getting rid of blackheads but also unclogs of excess oils very fastly.

And dirt clogged within skin pores.

Instead of grinding the orange peels, you can simply pour boiling water also on the peels and leave for a day.

Filter this liquid the next day morning and refrigerate it for a few hours.

Then apply this prepared liquid on your face with a cotton ball and leave it until it dries up.

This will make your face fairer, smooth and glowing your skin.

8.Orange Fruit Images:

Orange Fruit -Images


As A result -Folic acid present in Oranges helps to improve -Brain growth development.

You can take Vitamin C powder also-

We eat what our body needs and do the exercises daily that will suit our fitness goals.

Excellent hair Conditioner:

Orange juice is really an excellent conditioner for your hair.

So friends, in this Winter Stay Fit, Stay Healthy and remember this important line-

Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.
–Paul Theroux.

And speak loudly –

“Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration.”
–Anamika Mishra”.

Thank You For Reading-Orange -Fruit