
13 Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Beetroot Juice


13 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice

Want to know Beetroot juice benefits?

Beet is a Superfood and previously we used to take leaves only.

But, nowadays we are habituated to take its Beetroot.

Apart from the root, its juice also very popular.

I will discuss here- Beetroot juice Health benefits.

So, grab this opportunity to gain some knowledge and spread it to your family, friends, and colleagues.

Take a glass of water and sit for 6 minutes only.

Table of contents:

1. Beetroot Nutritional Value-

Before discussing the health benefits of Beetroot Juice please have a look at –Nutritional Value-

Beetroot Nutritional Value- benefits of beetroot juice
Beetroot Nutritional Value-

One cup i.e.136 grams of boiled beetroot contains fewer than 60 calories, while 3/4 cup i.e.100 grams of raw beets contain the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 43
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 1.6 grams
  • Carbs: 9.6 grams
  • Sugar: 6.8 grams
  • Fiber: 2.8 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams

2. 13 Beetroot Juice Benefits-

Beetroot Benefits

With this in mind, here are 13 health benefits that you get when you drink beet juice.

Get 13 Beetroot Juice Benefits here-

2.1. Helps prevent anemia and iron deficiency

Whenever you drink red beet juice, it will supply your body with a decent amount of iron.

This regenerates the red blood cells and thus helps prevent anemia.

 Women with menstrual disorders and symptoms of menopause can greatly benefit from beet juice consumption on a regular basis.

2.2. Used as a Great Liver Detoxifier-

Research shows that beetroot juice may protect against liver damages.

 This means beetroot juice can act as a great post-workout drink!

2.3. Relief from Mountain Sickness-

It is reducing mountain sickness and due to good digestion, no question of vomiting?

Next time you pack your backpack with some beet juice!

2.4. Lowers blood pressure

It is lowering your Blood Pressure.

This gas helps to improve the flow of blood and as such lowers blood pressure.

2.5. Boosts Stamina

Taking a glass of beet juice every day and will help in boosting your stamina.

 The same nitrate when converted into nitric oxide helps lower the uptake of oxygen during exercises and physical activities thus making them less exhaustive.

 Regular use of beet juice will greatly help you greater energy and workout longer.

2.6. It helps reduce the risk of cancer

Since it is an antioxidant, beet juice can help prevent cancer in several ways.

First, vitamin C and battalions can eradicate cancer-causing free radicals from the body thus helping maintain electrons in the molecules.

This prevents damage to DNA and molecule.

2.7. Enhances skin health

Beetroot Juice Benefits-Enhance Skin Health

It helps fight against skin problems and wrinkles and improve skin health.

Drinking beet juice on a daily basis will give you healthy, radiant skin. 

2.8. Helps with constipation

It does help improve the metabolism system and the stool will be soft, so no constipation.

Generally, beetroot juice is a great antioxidant thus making it an excellent anti-aging solution also.

You can drink a glass of this juice every morning to give your body a boost the whole day. 

2.9. Good source of potassium-

Beets are a good source of  Potassium and that helps nerves & muscles function more smoothly.

 Very low potassium may lead to life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

2.10. Good source of other minerals-

Your body can’t function properly without essential minerals.

 Some minerals are boosting your immune system and while others support healthy bones and teeth.

benefits of beetroot juice
benefits of beetroot juice

Besides potassium, beet juice provides:

  • iron
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • sodium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • selenium

2.11. Good source of folate-

Folate is a B vitamin and that helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spinal Bifida and anencephaly.

It may also decrease the risk of having a premature baby.

Beetroot juice is a very good source of folate.

2.12. Used to Glowing Skin-

Beet juice helps to glow your skin as young, and firmer.

2.13. Enhance your Stamina-

In fact, nitrate level spikes up within two to three hours after eating raw beet or drinking beet juice.

3. Beetroot Juice Side Effects

Beetroot Juice Side Effects
Beetroot Juice Side Effects

1. May Cause Beeturia

2. Maybe Risk Of Increase Kidney Stone-

3. It May Cause Of Anaphylaxis

4. May Cause Of Colored Stools

5. Stomach Upset May Happen

6. It May Cause Problems During Pregnancy Period-

7. The Liver May Be Affected-

4. When To Drink Beetroot Juice?

Beetroot juice is low in calories and has no fat.

Thus, it is a great option for a morning smoothie.

It gives enough nutrients and an energy boost to start your day.

5. Conclusion-

Nutritionists and scientists say that betanin is not-so-heat-stable, so consuming beet juice is beneficial.

6. FAQ-

6.1. Is beetroot good for skin?

As beetroots are high in vitamin C and consider to be good for the skin.

6.2. How long does it take for beetroot juice to work?

The beet drink decreased participants’ blood pressure by approximately 10 millimeters of mercury and the greatest drop occurring 3 to 6 hours after they consumed the juice.

6.3. Is beetroot good for diabetes?

Beetroot is rich in antioxidants and considered as good nutrients and proven health benefits for everyone.

Consuming beets especially beneficial for people with diabetes.

I think you have enjoyed it a lot.

For further information, you can check here-

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