Healthy Myself

What Depression Is, And Learn -How Depression Can Cure By -6 [Best] -Yoga- Poses!!

John Asked me-What Depression Is?

Ok, I will tell you about this.

If you are feeling depressed?

Feeling-Depression or Anxiety?

Yes! “Yoga” may help you better manage.

Although Yoga cannot replace conventional Depression” treatment.

Learn-Depression can cure by-6 Best Yoga Poses.

What Depression Is

The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.

B.K.S Iyengar

Start from today onwards for -Depression Can Cure By -6 Best yoga Poses.

These “Yoga Poses” can help to achieve a happy and healthy mind and body.

1. What is Depression-



Depression is more than just a low mood and it’s a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health.

They include feeling several patient Depression sign for at least 2 weeks:

2.Anxiety Meaning-

learn -What depression is & Anxiety Meaning

Anxiety is the natural response of a person’s anatomical phenomena.

It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come next.

Just as below-

It may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous.

But if your feelings of anxiety are extreme, last for longer than six months, and are interfering with your life, then itis really a problem.

You may have an anxiety disorder.

It’s normal to feel anxious about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking a test.

This type of anxiety is unpleasant, but it may motivate you to work harder and to do a better job.

3. Depression Can Cure By-6 Best Yoga Poses:

Before going to Yoga Poses you have to know what is Yoga?

3.1. What is Yoga:

learn -What depression is & What Is Yoga

Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline.

It is the branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago.

3.2.Aim Of Yoga:

The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj and which means to yoke, join, or unite.

The famous -The Iyengar school of yoga defines Yuj as the-

Joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual and body with mind and mind with soul – to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life.

The ultimate aim of yoga is to reach to-kaivalya or ultimate freedom.

Yoga is well known for its postures and poses

Fitness was not a primary goal.

3.3. Here are 6 Yoga Poses For-
Depression Can Cure By Point

Here Are –







These 6 Yoga poses can Keep Away Depression And Anxiety by regular practice:

Note: At the end of the yoga posture session please lie down in Yoga Nidra to give your mind and body a few minutes of through relaxation.

The technique is very helpful for the body in flushing out body toxins and a primary cause of stress, from the system.

So, start yoga and get a special Mat

Al these relaxes your mind and body and distresses you. So go ahead, do yoga.

It will definitely help you deal with your Depression and Anxiety.

However, kindly do it under expert guidance.

Yoga Class News

1. Balasana (Child’s Pose):

learn -What depression is -DoBalasana:

It gently stretches your lower back and hips that enabling your body to relax.

Peace and calm prevail over your entire being and helping you deal with your depression better.

Kneel on the floor with your big toes and by touching your knees slightly wider than your hips.

Bend forward and stretch your arms with trunk forward.

Rest your head on the floor or a blanket for a minute.

Balasana is considered to be the most comfortable & useful yoga poses.

All you have to do is kneel and sit on your heels.

Make sure your big toes touch each other.

Keep your hands on your knees and spread your knees hip-width apart.

Then, bend your torso forward position, in between your divided thighs and, with your face touching the ground.

Then bring your arms in a forward position and place them on either side of your head and, with the palms facing down.

Be in this position for 1 to 2 minutes.

 2. Halasana (Plow Pose):

learn -What depression- is -Do Halasana

Effects: One of the most quieting poses for the nervous system and relieves irritability.

Halasana is one of the best calming and safe poses for your nervous system.

First to do the pose, lie flat on your back, with your arms kept alongside your body.

Lift your legs off the ground at an angle of 90 deg to the ground.

Then, place your hands on your hips and use them for support and lift your hips towards your chest.

Slowly bring down your legs and take them over your head then touch the ground beyond your head.

And place your toes firmly on the ground.

Make sure your thighs are straight and to avoid them touching your head.

Remove your hands from the hips and straighten your arms forward.

And place them on the ground and with the palms facing downward.

Then continue to support your back with your hands and lower your legs over your head.

Then place your toes on the floor behind you.

Firm your thighs to create space between your face and your legs.

Stay here, breathing deeply and slowly for several 2 minutes.

Or as long as you’re comfortable with that.

To come out, slowly and roll down one vertebra at a time.

And rest your back flat on the floor for several breaths.

You can take Special yoga shocks

 3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose):

learn -What depression is -Do Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana can easily cure mild fatigue and depression also.

It has a very good overall rejuvenating effect on your body, and all the stress trapped in your back will vanish.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana thus strengthens and awakens your upper body.

To do the Asana, lie on the floor with your face down and legs.

Then follow the same with the toes facing downward and a few inches apart.

Place your palms near the chest on either side and facing down.

Keep your palms very close to your ribs.

Lift your torso and straighten your arms and legs a few inches off the floor for 15 sec.

Press the top part of your feet and keep firmly into the ground.

Keep your head should be straight or facing upwards and your shoulders away from your ears and let your chest rise.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose):

learn -What depression is- Do Adho Mukha Svanasana:

Effects: Combats anxiety and energizes the body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana enables for fresh blood to flow into your body.

It stretches the neck, cervical spine and releasing the stress in them, thereby reducing anxiety and calming your being.

Adho Mukha Svanasana strengthens your abdominal muscles also and improve your digestion system.

Lie down on your stomach with your palms by the sides of your chest with your fingers well spread. Then come onto your hands and knees.

How To Do:

Set your knees directly below the hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders.

Place one or two folded blankets in line with your breastbone.

The blankets should be high enough and to support your head and now keep low enough so that you can lengthen your neck.

Come back to your hands and knees position.

Turn the toes under, and exhale as you raise your buttocks high in the air.

Then moving your thighs up and back.

Keep your elbows straight as you lift your buttocks up.

Then release the crown of your head onto the support.

The action of the arms and legs serves to elongate your spine then release your head.

Hold for 1 to 2 minutes, breathing deeply.

Then release the stress in them.

Thus reducing anxiety and calming your self.

 5. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose):

learn -What depression is-Do Uttanasana :

Uttanasana relieves tension in your backside, shoulders, and neck.

It improves the functioning of your nervous system very well.

It calms you and so, reduces anxiety.

Uttanasana also improves blood circulation also.

To do the asana and stand straight with your arms alongside your body and your feet at arms’ length.

Now, place your arms on your hips and bend forward at the hips, make it slowly.

Make your head and chest just touch your thighs.

Now bring your hands down and then put them beside your feet or hold your ankles from behind.

Keep your thighs straight always.

6. Savasana (Corpse Pose):

What Depression Is-Do Savasana:

Savasana rejuvenates you and helps your body relax.

It reduces blood pressure and lets the effects of the previous posts to sink in better.

Finally, after all the mind and body invigorating poses and Savasana will give you all the rest and scope to heal.

To do the Savasana first, lie on the floor on your back.

Let your arms lie alongside your body with your palms facing upwards.

Now, gently close your eyes and let your whole body in a relaxed position, slowly and gently.

Take a deep breath slowly, and stay in the moment.

Please Do It:

4.Depression In a Picture:

What Depression is-Depression In a Picture

You can read: Are you ready to reduce Belly Fat Yoga?


So,” Anxiety” and “Depression” will far from you.

Yoga Poses For Keep Away Depression -Anxiety – learn -What depression is –

Asanas help release tension and keep away from DEPRESSION and ANXIETY.

You can read here also-

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